Raghulal Medicals - Vijayanagar
Address | 830, Bs Arcade, General Thimayya Road, 1st Stage Vijayanagar, Mysuru, Karnataka 570017 |
Phone / Mobile | 08214288650 9986039366 |
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Business Hours | All Days
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Late Sri. N. Raghavan, founder of Raghulal and Co., came to Mysore in 1943 from Madras as he found Mysore a better place suitable for his business, health and growth. He was a graduate first class from Kerala. He was in Dental business at Madras and around 1944/1945 stated his medicines/pharma business. He took a rented upstairs shop in Sayyaji Rao Road, first floor above Nazare Emporium Mysore Hall. Late his brother Narasimhan N. also joined him after completing his 10th standard in Malayalam. Both, by their hard work and love for each other expanded the business in MYSORE - delivering the medicines carrying them in Cycles and meeting the medical profession in Mysore and around small towns near by. By 1946 they took the present premises and below the Chamundeshwari Talkies, Sayyaji Rao Road lane.